Water Runs Downhill

Theme:Water Science
Location:Eagle's Nest (Inside Upper Level)
Map #:26
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This activity demonstrates watersheds and will introduce students to our local watersheds. It aims to provide a more holistic view on how our local water systems flow and their role within the greater landscape. The aim of this activity is to increase understanding of how vitally connected our water systems are.

Key Messages

  • Watershed boundaries are defined by heights of land which direct the flow of water
  • A watershed is connected by flowing water and all who live along that watershed can have an impact on that water and those that live downstream
  • A watershed includes a catchment basin which is all the land, lakes and wetlands that are drained by a watercourse and its tributaries
  • Three secondary watersheds begin in the Haliburton Highlands and flow through Haliburton County, District of Muskoka and Kawartha lakes

Ontario Curriculum Connections

Science and Technology
  • Understanding Life Systems, Grade 4 (Habitats and Communities)
    • analyze the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with natural habitats and communities, taking different perspectives into account, and evaluate ways of minimizing the negative impacts
  • Understanding Earth and Space Systems, Grade 5 (Conservation of energy and Resources)
    • analyze the long-term impacts on society and the environment of human uses of energy and natural resources, and suggest ways to reduce these impacts
Social Studies
  • People and Environments, Grade 5 (The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship)
    • assess the effectiveness of actions taken by one or more levels of government to address an issue of national, provincial/territorial, and/or local significance (e.g. the effectiveness of policies related to the management of the Great Lakes)
    • describe some different ways in which citizens can take action to address social and environmental issues


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